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牛牛的career goals写作思路


       2014年过半,2015申请开始进展,尤其商科申请,几乎每个专业都有career goals为题目的essay,而太多申请人更苦于无从下笔,为此,参考帝国理工Financial Risk Management MSc专业部分文书要求,晓宏老师推荐史上牛牛的 career goals写作思路,连字数都有参考!


1. Please describe your short term (3 year) career goals (please do not exceed 200 words).


·         For this question, think about where you want to be three years after completing the MSc course and how this links into one of the following questions – your long term goals. If you are interested in joining a graduate scheme, think about how long it will be, and the type of role you will be doing on completion of it.


·         Think about the type of promotion you might achieve after a graduate scheme – will you be looking after your own projects, clients or research?


2. Please outline the challenges you think you will face in achieving these short term career goals and how you will overcome them (please do not exceed 200 words).


·         For this question we would like you to think about the current trends in the market and how they may affect your career path. Think about what things you could do to increase your employment potential.


·         For example, this might be a better understanding of how organizations work or an appreciation of the different, interlocking areas of business. Consider the core courses, the electives you can choose, or the individual research report, and how these can be applied to the career you are looking for. You should think not only about the knowledge you will be acquiring, but the interpersonal and technical skills that you will develop on your MSc course.


3. Please describe your long term career goals or, if these are not clear, please outline the roles and industry sectors that are of particular interest to you and why (please do not exceed 200 words).


·         Building on your previous answers you should think about your future and where you see yourself, for example, in five years time.


·         Think about the sector you want to be working in, the type of position or business you want to have and which geographic location you want to be in. Use these two questions to identify your career goals.


·         If you have no clear goals think about the resources you have used, such as websites, meetings with the career service at your university, presentations you have attended (employer presentations, university presentations) or talks with your friends or family that have helped you to form your ideas for your future career.


·         For example, from your previous degree you might have developed an interest in the world of management, and then talks with your family might have convinced you to study abroad. You might also have attended recruitment presentations which, together with your research using www.prospects.ac.uk for example, helped you to decide on the type of course to study and the type of role in which you are interested.


4. What skills do you think are important in the career that interests you, how would you demonstrate that you have been developing these skills so far (please do not exceed 300 words)?


·         For this question think about the skills your future employer might wish for you to have, for example communication, team work, analytical or interpersonal skills, and how you can demonstrate that you have them.


·         For advice on the types of skills that employers commonly look for go to www.prospects.ac.uk and for the graduate recruiters’ perspective see www.agr.org.uk.


·         Think about how your key achievements link to your future career – did you learn something about yourself, your skills or career interests that has since informed your career thinking?



