

Yale University

学校官网: http://www.yale.edu


校训        Lux et veritas(光明与真知)

创建时间    1701年

学校类型      私立大学

校长          理查德·C·莱文

教师          2300

学生          11,350人

本科生        5,350人

研究生        6000人

校址          美国康涅狄格州纽黑文

校园环境       市区

网站         http://www.yale.edu

学校地址:    265 Church Street, Suite 901New Haven, CT 06511


     耶鲁大学(Yale University,旧译“耶劳大书院”)是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为常青藤联盟的成员之一。








  耶鲁大学于1701年在第一任校长家里成立,1716年迁入现在所在的New Haven市。为了纪念Elihu Yale的慷慨捐赠,于1718年命名为耶鲁学院,并于1887年正式称为耶鲁大学。




    耶鲁大学将本科教育视为大学的核心。这种重视在美国同类大学中实属少见。耶鲁学院(Yale College,即耶鲁大学本科部)70个专业主要着力于通识教育,仅有极少的几个本科院系着眼于专业性的准备,甚至于耶鲁大学工程系也鼓励并且要求学生探索和学习工程学科以外的领域。耶鲁学院大约有20%的学生为自然科学专业,35%为社会科学专业,45%的学生则为人文艺术专业。耶鲁大学要求所有的教授均讲授本科课程。每年在耶鲁大学的课程目录中(Yale Program of Study,或通称Blue Book)有超过2000门课程以供选择。


    耶鲁大学实行类似牛津大学和剑桥大学的“住宿学院”制度。新生被随机分配到耶鲁大学的12个住宿学院中,除极少数特别情况外,所有学生都将在学院中居住四年时间(大一和大二的学生必须居住在宿舍)。每所学院都拥有自己完备的设施,包括餐厅、图书馆、健身房、艺术工作室、琴房、照相暗室、电脑室、洗衣房、台球乒乓室、学生厨房,大部分学院还拥有自己的电影院或剧院、攀岩室、壁球馆和桑拿房,24小时对本院学生开放。每所学院有一位院长(Master)和一位学监(Dean),分别负责学生的社交活动和学习生活。每周各院院长还邀请各个领域的著名人士举办茶会,称为“Master's Tea”,本科学生都可参加,受邀的名人不乏美国和世界政、商、体育、娱乐、社会公益等领域的著名人物。








Yale is a medium-sized, 4-year, private university founded in 1701. Yale University, located in New Haven, Connecticut, is known for itsexcellent drama and music programs, which reach outside the classroom with student organizations such as the Yale Whiffenpoofs, a famous a cappella group, and the Yale Dramatic Association. The Yale Bulldogs compete in the Ivy League and are well known for their rivalry with Harvard. Students are assigned to live in one of 12 residential colleges during their time at Yale. Each college has a master and dean who live in the college and eat with students in the dining halls. Yale is made up of the College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and 13 professional schools. Included in the professional schools are the top ranked Law School and highly ranked School of Management, School of Medicine , School of Art and School of Nursing. The School of Drama, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and Divinity School are also well-regarded graduate programs.The Yale Record is the oldest college humor magazine in the nation. Dwight Hall is an independent umbrella organization that fosters student service and activism in the local New Haven community. Yale is well known for its secret societies, the most famous of which are the Skull and Bone Society, which boasts members such as George W. Bush and John Kerry, and the Scroll and Key Society. Distinguished Yale alumni include actress Meryl Streep, Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward and actor Edward Norton.


Yale is both a small college and a large research university. The College is surrounded by thirteen distinguished graduate and professional schools, and its students partake in the intellectual stimulation and excitement of a major international center of learning. The faculty is known for its special devotion to undergraduate teaching. Many of Yale's most distinguished senior professors teach introductory courses as well as advanced seminars to undergraduates. Faculty members are accessible to students and take a great deal of interest in working closely with undergraduates. Yale's curriculum allows students to achieve both breadth and specialization across several disciplines. In addition to probing a major field in depth, students are expected to explore three important areas of knowledge - the humanities and arts, social sciences, and natural sciences. While exploring several subject areas, students are also expected to sharpen their writing, quantitative, and foreign language skills. Yale's unique residential college system organizes the student body into twelve small communities where students live, eat, socialize, and pursue academic and extracurricular activities. Before arriving as a freshman each student is randomly assigned to one of the colleges, giving students a built-in community from the moment they arrive. Most Yale students become convinced that their residential college is the best residential college. Each college is home to a microcosm of our undergraduate student body as a whole, and allows students to have the cohesiveness and intimacy of a small school while still enjoying the vibrancy and resources of a world-class university. Yale students are actively involved in the New Haven community, benefiting from and enhancing the city's many cultural, recreational, and political opportunities. New Haven boasts diverse and abundant resources in the arts. There is a vibrant cultural and artistic life in the city, a myriad of opportunities both academic and social, and a remarkable choice of places to eat. New Haven is part of a Yale education: the experience of contemporary urban life broadens students' perspectives and helps prepare them for life after college. Yale students have a long tradition of intense involvement with extracurricular activity. There are more than 450 active organizations on campus, ranging from the Undergraduate Math Society to the Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project, and including 50 performance groups and 60 cultural associations. This enormous range of opportunities endows Yale College with a palpable energy and spirit of commitment. But perhaps the first thing that students notice about their college is the caliber of their fellow students. There are extraordinary artists, student government leaders, star athletes, passionate activists, award-winning poets, prize-winning scientists, and people who are just simply "well-rounded." Because Yale students come from such a wide range of ethnic, religious, cultural, geographic and socioeconomic backgrounds, there is a remarkable exchange of ideas. Yale is a major research university that focuses primarily on undergraduate education and encourages students to become leaders of their generation in whatever they wish to pursue.




27%           Social Science 社会科学

11%           Biology生物学

7%             Area and Ethnic Studies

7%             History历史

7%             Psychology心理学

6%             Interdisciplinary Studies

6%             Visual and Performing Arts

5%             English英语




12,109      在校学生总数Total enrollment 

5,430        在校本科学生Total undergrads

29,610      本科申请人数Total applicants

2,031        本科录取人数Admitted

1,359        本科入学人数Enrolled

4,522        提前行动申请人数Applied early action

649           提前行动录取人数Admitted early action



Most Important非常重要


Academic GPA高中平均分

Application Essay申请文书

Character/Personal Qualities个人特质

Class Rank班级排名

Extracurricular Activities课外活动


Rigor of secondary school record高中学业的难度

Standardized Test Scores--TOEFL,SAT/ACT成绩





Alumni Relation校友关系

First generation college student是否家庭第一代大学生


Racial/Ethnic Status种族状况

Volunteer Work志愿者工作

Work Experience工作经历