

Princeton University

所在州:NJ(NJ )

校训        Dei sub numine viget(让她以上帝的名义繁荣)

创建时间     1746年
学校类型     私立大学
校长        雪莉•蒂尔曼
校址        普林斯顿



    普林斯顿大学(英语:Princeton University),又译普林斯敦大学,位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿,是美国一所著名的私立研究型大学,八所常青藤盟校之一。 


    学校于1746年在新泽西州伊丽莎白镇创立,是美国殖民时期第四所成立的高等教育学院, 当时名为“新泽西学院”,1747年迁至新泽西州,1756年迁至普林斯顿,并于1896年正式改名为普林斯顿大学。(现今位于新泽西州Ewing的新泽西学院与本校无从属关系。


    虽然它最初是长老制的教育机构,但是现在已经成为非宗教大学,对学生亦无任何宗教上的要求。 该校与普林斯顿高等研究院、普林斯顿神学院以及莱德大学西敏唱诗班学院有着较为密切的关系。普林斯顿保有浓厚的欧式教育学风,非常重视本科生教育,创立宗旨上强调训练学生具有人文及科学的综合素养。 


    普林斯顿提供研究生的学位(特别是博士学位),在很多学科都是最优秀的专业;包括数学、物理、经济学、历史 和哲学。但是,不像其他大学,普林斯顿并没有广泛的研究生研究学院 -- 比如,普林斯顿没有法学院或者商学院。[17]普林斯顿最有名的专业学院是伍德罗·威尔逊公共和国际关系学院(Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs),创建于1930年,原名为公共和国际关系学院,1948年改为现名。普林斯顿也提供工程和建筑学的研究生课程。






    普林斯顿大学的本科住宿学院是包含食宿功能的一系列建筑,由一、二年级以及一些住宿顾问(resident advisers)居住。每个学院都包括一系列宿舍,一间食堂,其它设施(包括自习室、图书馆、舞台、暗室等等),以及管理人员和有关教师。




    伍德罗·威尔逊曾在20世纪初对现有的住宿学院曾提出过改革计划。威尔逊的计划和耶鲁大学目前的计划类似,是一个四年连续的住宿学院。由于得不到理事的支持,这个计划在1968年威尔逊住宿学院建立和一系列的饮食俱乐部建立的时候才正式开始。一二年级住宿学院的系统经常成为激烈讨论的题目。未来的计划是建立在威特曼住宿学院的完成的基础之上的。校方提出的威特斯计划(“Wythes Plan”)提出要在未来增加500名本科学生,两所住宿学院也会扩建以适应研究生的需要。这些新建计划就代表着威尔逊计划在提出一个世纪之后正式实现。


    此外,普林斯顿还有一所研究生住宿学院,名曰研究生住宿学院(Graduate College),处在比福布斯住宿学院更远的校园角落。[19]克里夫兰塔(“Cleveland Tower”)是这一系列的学院歌特(Collegiate Gothic)建筑中的代表,也是当地一个世界级钟乐队的所在地。












约翰·F·肯尼迪 1939届(第一学期之后因为健康原因退学) - 第35任美国总统

詹姆斯·麦迪逊 1771年届 - 第4任美国总统

伍德罗·威尔逊 1879届 - 第28任美国总统,曾任普林斯顿大学校长及新泽西州州长

盖瑞·贝克 1951届 - 诺贝尔奖得主(经济1992年)

艾伦·图灵博士 1938届 - 计算器科学家、密码学家

皮特·康拉德 1953届 - 宇航员,第三个踏上月球的人

田长霖 - 柏克莱加州大学校长  

本·伯南克 - 经济学和公共关系教授,现任美国联邦储备局主席

托妮·莫里森 - 英文教授,黑人女作家

安德鲁·怀尔斯 - 数学教授,费马大定理证明人

约翰·福布斯·纳什 - 数学教授。主要工作领域为博弈论和微分几何学,并提出了纳什均衡。

姚期智 - 世界著名计算机科学家,2000年图灵奖得主,目前是清华大学教授。



Princeton University is a private institution that was founded in 1746. Princeton, the fourth-oldest college in the United States, is located in the quiet town of Princeton, New Jersey. Within the walls of its historic ivy-covered campus, Princeton offers a number of events, activities and organizations. The Princeton Tigers, members of the Ivy League, are well known for their consistently strong men's and women's lacrosse teams. Students live in one of six residential colleges that provide a residential community as well as dining services but have the option to join one of more than 10 eating clubs for their junior and senior years. The eating clubs serve as social and dining organizations for the students who join them. Princeton's unofficial motto, "In the Nation's Service and in the Service of All Nations," speaks to the university's commitment to community service.


Princeton includes highly ranked graduate programs through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.One unique aspect of Princeton's academic program is that all undergraduate students are required to write a senior thesis. Notable alumni include U.S. President Woodrow Wilson; John Forbes Nash, subject of the 2001 film "A Beautiful Mind"; model/actress Brooke Shields; and first lady Michelle Obama. According to Princeton legend, if a student exits campus through FitzRandolph Gate prior to graduation, he or she may be cursed never to graduate.


Princeton University is unique in combining the strengths of a major research university with the qualities of an outstanding liberal arts college. Whether through independent study, student-initiated seminars, or lectures in emerging fields such as neuroscience, Princeton students have the flexibility to shape dynamic academic programs that prepare them for leadership and lives of service. Through its groundbreaking financial aid program, Princeton ensures that all qualified students who are accepted can afford to attend the University.

Chartered in 1746, Princeton is renowned for its commitment to undergraduate teaching. Its faculty are known throughout the world and it is not unusual for students to learn from Nobel laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners, and MacArthur fellows. Students benefit from small class sizes and one-on-one advising with faculty, particularly while doing independent work such as the senior thesis. All intellectual endeavors of Princeton's 5,320 degree-seeking undergraduate students are supported by a range of first-rate academic resources, such as libraries, laboratories, and even an art museum. The academic options at Princeton give students flexibility in pursuing their intellectual interests while working toward either the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Students also may choose from among 47 interdisciplinary programs, creating combinations of academic interests. For example, a student might major in physics while also earning a certificate in Latin American studies.

The University is located in the town of Princeton, which has a diverse population of 30,000 residents and is situated between New York City and Philadelphia, with rail service to both cities. Princeton is a residential university that provides a welcoming environment, advising services, cultural and educational events, intramural sports, and more. As a residential community, Princeton provides housing for all four years. Princeton's six residential colleges offer settings where students quickly can become involved in campus activities. Students can participate in more than 250 student-run organizations, the arts, civic engagement, student government, religious groups, and athletics.


Most Popular Majors热门专业


26%           社会科学

20%           工程学院

10%           生物学相关

7%             公共管理与社会服务

6%             英语相关

6%             历史相关

6%             物理相关

5%             心理学相关




8,014        在校学生总数Total enrollment 

5,391        在校本科学生Total undergrads

26,641      本科申请人数Total applicants

1,983        本科录取人数Admitted

1,312        本科入学人数Enrolled



Very Important非常重要


Academic GPA高中平均分

Application Essay申请文书

Character/Personal Qualities个人特质

Class Rank班级排名


Rigor of secondary school record高中学业的难度

Standardized Test Scores-TOEFL,SAT/ACT成绩





Extracurricular Activities课外活动




Alumni Relation校友关系

First generation college student是否家庭第一代大学生


Racial/Ethnic Status种族状况

Volunteer Work志愿者工作

Work Experience工作经历